Lake Erie 1 April 2024

1 April 2024- Air Temp 40 deg and Water Temp 42 deg

We started marking fish West of Kelley's Island in clean water with a 15 mph NE wind. We trolled with the waves ranging from 1 to 3.4 mph. We let out 50 to 140 foot of line. The Bandit lure, Blue Chrome and Captain Krypto caught half the fish. Other colors that caught fish were Carrott Top, Red One, and Red Gold. The barometric pressure was 29.96. We fished in water depth ranging from 34 to 46 foot. We had 3 doubles and one triple today with the smallest fish at 19 1/2 inches and the largest was
27 1/2 inches. Most fish caught were suspended between 15 and 18 foot.
Lake Erie 3 April 2024

3 April 2024- Air Temp 40 deg and Water Temp 42.5 deg
We started fishing east of Ballast Island in slightly stained water with a 17 mph SW wind. We trolled with the waves ranging from 1.1 to 2.2 mph. We let out 85 to 160 foot of line in the morning and then changed up a bit ranging from 40 to 100 foot of line out in the afternoon. Any color of the Bandit lure worked well. The barometric pressure was 29.39 and dropping. We fished in water depth ranging from 31 to 42 foot. We had another triple today with the smallest fish at 19 1/2 inches and the largest was
28 inches. Most fish caught were suspended between 15 and 18 foot.
Lake Erie 4 April 2024

4 April 2024- Air Temp 37 deg and Water Temp 42.3 deg
We started fishing east of Ballast Island again in slightly stained water with a 6 mph W NW wind. We caught fish with 60 to 100 foot of line out. Just before noon we moved a few miles west of Green Island and trolled with the waves ranging from 1 to 2.5 mph. We let out 50 to 150 foot of line. Purple and pink Bandits were the most productive. The barometric pressure stayed steady at 29.41. We fished in water depth ranging from 31 to 37 foot. We had four doubles today with the smallest fish at 19 inches and the largest was 27 inches.
Lake Erie 5 April 2024

Lake Erie 6 April 2024

Lake Erie 7 April 2024

Lake Erie 8 April 2024 (Total Eclipse)

Lake Erie 9 April 2024

Lake Erie 10 April 2024